Welcome party

Welcome party

An official opening ceremony devoted to the study process opening ceremony was held on October 1st, 2018. The director of the Academy, Mrs. Ia Eradze, addressed to the attendant society, congratulated starting academic year and wished them success. Head of Quality Management Service Shorena Khubunaia and academic lecturers awarded graduates with diplomas. Ms. Tea Maisuradze, the head of educational process, addressed society and wished them a fruitful and exciting year. The director of the Academy, Ms. Ia Eradze awarded the partners: Terabank, Greenway Logistic LTD, Revenue Service and Business Administration support center, as the best partners of the academy. Partner companies congratulated the beginning of study year to the students, professors and attending society. The opening ceremony was attended by Acting General Director of the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Grigol Baiburti, who addressed students and highlighted the priorities of vocational education. The event was full of positive emotions. At the end of ceremony the academy presented first grade students with symbolic gifts. The informal part of the was dedicated to the entertaining activities, which was accompanies by the Saxophone performance of Kakha Vachiberadze. Photo contest “The best welcome photo” was announced for students, the winner of the contest will be awarded with 20% study grant from the academy for 2018-2019 academic years. The students of the academy wrote their impressions and expectation on coloured papers and placed them into jars. Business Academy of Georgia-SBA wishes successful academic year to the students!