Masterclass “Wealth Psychology”

Masterclass “Wealth Psychology”

On October 5, 2016, masterclass “Wealth Psychology” guided by the Doctor, Personal and organization development consultant Ali. A.Roudgarnejad was held in Business Academy of Georgia-SBA.
Mr. Ali gave some interesting tips for success and enrichment to the students and the professor-teachers of the academy. According to the trainer, the motto which makes you rich, is the following:  Choose a role model who you want to become alike, and set resembling blueprint.
He focused on the inner world of a person and spoke about coming out from comfort zone. He also spoke about the responsibility, that human being himself controls his/her life and success.
The masterclass passed interestingly and was highly appreciated from the audience.
At the and, the rector of  SBA Kakhaber Eradze thanked Mr. Ali. A.Roudgarnejad and gave him symbolic gift.  The possibilities of future cooperation was also discussed.


