SBA participated in the annual international conference
Business Academy of Georgia- SBA participated in the annual international conference held online by the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, which was held on January 26, 27 and 28, 2022.
The third day of the conference was dedicated to quality assurance in vocational education.
Session: “Internationalization in Vocational Education” – Academy presented the best example of its own collaboration with German partner BBS Wechloy;
Academy Director Ia Eradze and BBS Wechloy International Liaison Officer Tatiana Labohms made a joint presentation.
The presentation focused on successful joint projects and future plans implemented in the framework of international cooperation.
At the end of the conference, the participants were introduced to a video clip created with the active participation of both parties in the international music competition “One World”.
The Academy once again thanks the international partner institution for the successful cooperation of BBS Wechloy and continues to develop in terms of internationalization in the future.