7th scientific- practical conference

7th scientific- practical conference

On May 25, 7th scientific- practical conference on the topic “Business Development in Global Economy” was organized by the Business Academy of Georgia-SBA. Professors, teachers, bachelor and vocational students were participated in the conference. The following sections were presented in the conference: 1.Financial policy, contemporary problems and prospectives. 2. Marketing and management contemporary aspects in productive activity. 3. Socio-cultural communication development aspects of globalization. 4. Educational system development problems. 5. Business development problems. 6. Business legal control problems. 7. Use of information technology, mathematical methods and models in economics and business. 8. National tourism development aspects of globalization.
At the end of the day, participants left signatures on the conference banner which will be a historical part of the academy. Main conference materials were published, participant students were given certificates.