
Qualification exam of BBA students

Qualification exam of BBA students

On July 31, 2018, qualification exam of BBA students was held at Business Academy of Georgia-SBA. Students presented interesting projects. It is worth mentioning, that one of the students’ business idea, to make sports-entertainment center in Kazbegi, was already financed by NGO “People in Need”. The academy congratulates students passing […]

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Qualification exam of vocational students

Qualification exam of vocational students

On July 20, 2018, qualification exam of vocational students was held at Business Academy of Georgia-SBA. The exam was attended by the members of sectoral direction. With academy’s professor-teachers, emloyers were also involved in exam process. The academy congratulates students passing qualification exam, wishes them further progress and success!

Meeting with students

Meeting with students

On July 10, 2018, a meeting with students, for developing student support services was held. At the meeting, student support services development strategy was discussed. Business Academy of Georgia- SBA is focused on its own customers’ satisfaction. The project has been elaborated by students’ involvement.