
Internship of the company Odyssey

Internship of the company Odyssey

On April 19, 2018, representatives Business Academy of Georgia – SBA partner company Odyssey met the students of the academy. The company representatives informed students about paid internship on the position of telemarketer, with employment perspective. The students of the academy were interviewed on this position. Five students were selected […]

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Superfinal game of an intellectual business Olympics “Businessmen of the Future”

Superfinal game of an intellectual business Olympics “Businessmen of the Future”

On April 3, 2018, superfinal game of an intellectual business Olympics “Businessmen of the Future” was held at Rustavi city, organized by Business Academy of Georgia – SBA, with the authorship of Students and Entrants Promotion International Association (SEPIA). The Olympics Games started on February 20th, 2018. The following Rustavi […]

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The awarding ceremony of the contest “Business for Gender Equality”

The awarding ceremony of the contest “Business for Gender Equality”

On March 20, 2018, the awarding ceremony of the contest “Business for Gender Equality” was organized by Millennium Challenge Fund.In the competition, organized by the Millennium Challenge Fund, thirty-two different profile and scale companies were participating. The Commission, in which the representatives of the public and private sector as well […]

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Friends don’t count Chromosomes!

Friends don’t count Chromosomes!

Friends don’t count Chromosomes! 21st of March is Down Syndrome International Day, on 10th of November 2011, United Nations Officially announced 21st of March as Down Syndrome International Day. Business Academy of Georgia-SBA joins the World Down Syndrome Day’s Week to raise awareness campaign. We don’t count Chromosomes.

Superfinal selection stage

Superfinal selection stage

Superfinal selection stage of intellectual business Olympics “Businessmen of the Future” continues at Business Academy of Georgia-SBA. Competition was held between Rustavi 4th and 10th Public School teams, on March 19. The competition was held among five teams of each school, to reveal the best team. The winner team of […]

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