
Job Fair

Job Fair

On December 20, 2017, Job Fair was held at Business Academy of Georgia-SBA, organized by the academy and Georgian Employers Association. Job seekers short term program, vocational and bachelor students of Business Academy of Georgia- SBA were participated at Job Fair. The first part of the forum was opened by […]

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Job Fair

Job Fair

On December 8, 2017, a Job Fair was held at Hotel Biltmore, organized by the Social Service Agency. More than 60 companies participated in the forum, many of them are partner companies of Business Academy of Georgia-SBA. Within the framework job seekers professional training and qualification upgrading program, at Business […]

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Conference “Business Games as an innovative solution for entrepreneurship skills development”

Conference “Business Games as an innovative solution for entrepreneurship skills development”

On December 8, 2017, a conference “Business Games as an innovative solution for entrepreneurship skills development” was held in Techpark. At the conference, youth employment in Europe, especially in regions was discussed. Lithuania experience has been shared, that actively participated in EU initiatives. Main focuses of the conference were made […]

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“The Art of Public Speech”

“The Art of Public Speech”

On December 8, 2017, an associate professor, doctor of Psychology, Nana Gogichashvili held a lecture “The Art of Public Speech” at Business Academy of Georgia-SBA. The lecture was interactive, Ms. Nana taught the students how to be good orators and make public speeches in front of the full audience.  

Amateur tournament in bowling

Amateur tournament in bowling

On November 28th, at Club Lebowski, an amateur tournament in bowling was held between universities. Business Academy Georgia – SBA teams participated in the tournament. On the background of quite tense and competitive game, the students of the academy, successfully passed four rounds, according to the rules and won the […]

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Memorandum of cooperation

Memorandum of cooperation

Memorandum of cooperation was signed between Business Academy of Georgia-SBA and Ukrainian National Technical University . The memorandum takes into account implementing joint projects and events. The parties will cooperate in researching issues of common interests and in implementing educational programs. They will also help each other in popularization.

Study in Georgia

Study in Georgia

From ancient times, in Georgia there existed strong cultural- educational and scientific hearth, where not only local inhabitants, but also foreigners came to Georgia, specialy for getting education. Existing educational centers abroad, alongside with churches and monasteries, also served the development of scientific thinking. Business Academy of Georgian – SBA […]

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