10 years with you

10 years with you

📣On November 4, 2020, Business Academy Of Georgia – SBA celebrated its 10th anniversary.
🔰This anniversary day was full of many pleasant surprises.
🔰IA Eradze, Director of the Business Academy of Georgia -SBA , congratulated to the Academy its anniversary, spoke about the achievements of the Academy and its development stages.
🔰The administrative staff of the Business Academy of Georgia -SBA, congratulated to the academy the anniversary date, each member expressing his sincere attitude towards the academy, which ended with the handing over of a symbolic gift.
⭐️The administration awarded the academy as the best employer.
🎥The event was visited and traditionally shown by the new partner of the Academy Prime tv / Prime
Business Academy of Georgia – SBA thanks to everyone for the anniversary congratulation and best wishes.