An information seminar- conference was held in Kobuleti municipality community college “ New Wave”

An information seminar- conference was held in Kobuleti municipality community college “ New Wave”

On July 12, 2017, an information seminar- conference for directors of educational institutions, was held in Kobuleti municipality community college “ New Wave”.
The Seminar for directors of educational institutions was attended by the Science and Culture Committee Chairman- Mariam Jashi, Ministry of education, culture and sports of Achara- Inga Shamilishvili, first Deputy of Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia- Ketevan Natriashvili, partners of vocational educational institutions from business sector, leader of Employment Agency of Achara- Temur Kakhidze, first Deputy of Ministry of Culture and sports- Suliko Tebidze.
The aim of the seminar was to share successful examples. The subprograms of developing labour skills in pupils, its aims, tasks, achievements, implementation mechanisms, etc. were also discussed at the seminar.
Comminity college “New wave” was visited by the dancers’ ensemble “ Valga” from Estonia. The guests presented some folkloric numbers at college yard.
The seminar was attended by the director of Business Academy of Georgia- SBA, Mrs. Ia Eradze.