
Partnership and practice agreements

Partnership and practice agreements

Business Academy of Georgia-SBA will soon offer to the society vocational modular programs of Business Administration direction. We are working to update tourism and financial direction programs and to find partner organizations. For that purpose, partnership and practice agreements were signed with the following companies: “Goodwill”, “Concord Travel”, “Erendel Travel”, […]

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Memorandum of cooperation

Memorandum of cooperation

On October 12, 2017, memorandum of cooperation was signed between Business Academy of Georgia-SBA and social college, Panatsea. The memorandum takes into account implementing out joint projects and events. The parties will cooperate in reresearching issues of common interests and in implementing educational programs. They will also help each other […]

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Welcome party ceremony

Welcome party ceremony

The official opening ceremony devoted to the study process opening ceremony was held on September 25, 2017. The director of the Academy, Mrs. Ia Eradze, addressed to the attendant society, congratulated starting academic year and wished them success. Head of vocational education quality assurance service of National Center for Educational […]

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