Welcome party ceremony

Welcome party ceremony

The official opening ceremony devoted to the study process opening ceremony was held on September 25, 2017. The director of the Academy, Mrs. Ia Eradze, addressed to the attendant society, congratulated starting academic year and wished them success. Head of vocational education quality assurance service of National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement and professor of Business Academy of Georgia-SBA, Mr. Kakhaber Eradze made a speech about the importance of education, knowledge realization, education necessity and students employment. The first graduates of Business Administration, Giorgi Barnovi and Tatia Chokheli were given diplomas by the dean of the faculty, Mrs. Shorena Khubunaia.
Alta Panchvidze, the student of business Administration, became a scholar, by her good attendance. Public school directors of Jumber Samakashvili, Pikria Sakhelashvili and Alta Panchvidze were sent letters of appreciation for educating talented and advanced young leaders. Manager in study field, Tea Maisuradze introduced the audience the content of the appreciation letters.
The director of the Academy, Ms. Ia Eradze awarded the partners: terabank, “QBQ” and Revenue Service with certificates, as the best partners of the academy. They congratulated the beginning of study year to the students, professors and attending society. Representative of “QBQ”, Maka Mzhavanadze interview students and offered vacancies to the graduates of the academy. . The event was full of positive emotions. At the end of ceremony the academy presented first grade students with symbolic gifts. The informal part of the was dedicated to the entertaining activities, which was accompanies by the violin performance of Givi Chanturia.
The students of the academy wrote their impressions and expectation on coloured papers and placed them into jars.
Business Academy of Georgia-SBA wishes successful academic year to the students!